indoor tips

Unlocking the power of muscle mass

By |2024-07-11T10:40:10+02:0015 November 2023|Inspiration|

Unlock the secret to performance and longevity for cyclists. Explore how the loss of muscle mass, isn't just a cosmetic concern but a critical factor affecting cyclists' performance. Discover key strategies for building and maintaining muscle mass in our blog."

The clocks have gone back, it’s time to head indoors

By |2024-07-11T10:40:10+02:009 November 2023|Inspiration|

For most Europeans and Americans, daylight savings time recently kicked in. As well as creating confusion in households across the world (“Does that mean one hour extra or one hour less sleep? Has my phone updated automatically?”), the clocks going back is the traditional sign for two-wheel fans to take their training indoors. The main reasons are obvious.

Why Flywheels suck – a quick lesson in the science of indoor cycling

By |2024-07-11T10:40:10+02:0025 October 2023|The Science|

It's a widely-held belief that the size, weight, and shape of the flywheel on your smart bike or smart trainer has the most impact when it comes to creating a realistic road feel experience on smart bikes and trainers. But a quick high school science refresher will explain why achieving a realistic road feel with a flywheel is practically impossible. And, more importantly, why you should care.

Moving back indoors – 6 tips to get back into indoor cycling

By |2024-07-11T10:40:11+02:0013 October 2023|Inspiration|

At TrueKinetix we love riding outdoors as much as everybody else, that why we want to mimic the feeling in our products.  When the days get shorter and the leaves start falling, so typically does the rain.  So with some regret, we move a larger part of our workouts indoors (not just the intervals).  There are a number of things to keep in mind when you do, to make the transition as smooth as possible.

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