Sander: ‘It rides really great’

“Suddenly 2,5 hours of indoor cycling is no longer a problem.” 

sander den hartog

After his family, sport and exercise are the most important things in his life. He owns a small, but global software company. He plans his sports moments and then fits his work around it.

“I’m not proud of my sports performance, but the road to it.”

What big or small goals would you like to achieve?

“My goal is to stay fit so that I can participate in an ultra run or extreme bike ride at any time.”

What sports performance are you very proud of?

The performance isn’t even what I’m proud of, but the road to it. For big events (Ironman and ultra-running) you need to train very consistently. Maintaining that consistency is what I am most proud of.”

How did you first experience TrueKinetix?

“Fine, a bit messy as you can expect from a startup.”

What was your first reaction when you tried the TrueBike for the first time?

“My first feeling was that it was a bit of an old-fashioned bike with an old-fashioned interface… Until I sat down on it… It rides really great. Much better than the Wattbike from the gym or the Tacx at home I was used to before.”

Did you run into problems with your previous training solution that you didn’t have with the TrueBike?

“For me, there are three very big advantages: One: I don’t have to ‘sacrifice’ one of my outdoor bikes to the Tacx or reassemble it all the time. Two: My wife gets on the indoor bike just as easily. She lowers the saddle and she goes. We don’t have to take my bike out, and put her bike in. Three: It just cycles much better. Suddenly 2,5 hours of indoor cycling is no longer a problem.”

How do you notice that the TrueBike helps you to improve your training performance?

“First of all, indoor training is very efficient and can be carried out very precisely. Second, because the threshold is so low to jump on, you train more and more consistently.”


The TrueBike: 4 from 5 stars
TrueBike Support: 4 from 5 stars
Would you recommend the TrueBike to a friend? Yes