6 podcasts about cycling that you want to listen to this week
Resting while keeping up with cycling. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Then listen to one of these podcasts about cycling.

1. Velocast
The first podcast we would like to recommend is Velocast. These reporters discuss the greatest tours, a variety of books and they invite cyclist to talk. Plus, they talk about the history of cycling. Listen here.
2. The Slow Ride Podcast
Do you need a cycling podcast with humour? The Slow Ride Podcast is the one for you! You can find these funny guys here.
3. Ask a Cycling Coach – TrainerRoad
The trainer app TrainerRoad has a podcast show every week. They invite certified coaches to answer all your questions about cycling and triathlons. You’ll learn everything about subjects like pain tolerance, body fat, sprinting and losing fitness. Read more about this podcast.
More inspiration: Check out the books we like to share with you
4. Stanley Street Social
This weekly podcast consists of interviews and pro cycling reports. The reporter’s, Campbell Flakemore and Alex Clements, present news about the different great tours with a very relaxing and calm tone. Visit the website to listen to the podcasts.
5. The Cycling Podcast
This podcast, sponsored by Rapha, has high-quality content. In only 30 minutes you hear about important tour updates from publishers Richard Moore, Lionel Birnie and Daniel Friebe. Listen here.
6. The Outspoken Cyclist
Diane Jenks will tell you everything about cycle culture. Are you wondering what to wear during a winter or summer ride? Diane knows! She also invites cycle experts to share their insights. Visit her website.